Build Social Cohesion, Address Public Safety, and Instill Neighborhood Pride
Strengthening a neighborhood’s communication, cooperation and relationships is the foundation to ensuring future neighborhood improvement that includes and serves all. There are many ways to encourage participation, volunteering, and bolster community connection within a neighborhood.
Through expanding communication platforms, hosting neighborhood gatherings, and growing the ability to conduct inclusive outreach, the 36th ST N area community can work to remain a connected and collaborative community that works together for the future.
Prioritized Actions
- Communicate and strengthen community involvement
- Neighborhood meeting signs
- Grow social media
- Meet with other neighborhood leaders
- Create contact systems like phone trees
- Conduct door-to-door outreach
- Build relationships with schools and local non-profits
- Work to change the public perception of North Tulsa in the local media
- Host neighborhood “getting to know each other” events for neighbors
- Complete CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) projects including lighting
- Address Stray dogs
- Conduct education and outreach campaign on reporting crime
- Re-establish Alert Neighbors through training and block captain designation
Measurable Outcomes
- # Community outreach events # CPTED projects
- # Crime and safety events/campaigns # Neighborhood building events
- # Positive press releases
- Tulsa Police Department
- Tulsa Fire Department
- Private Grants
- Community Volunteers
- Program Community Partners (crime prevention)
Committee Lead: Tracie Chandler