Build Social Cohesion, Address Public Safety, and Instill Neighborhood Pride

Strengthening a neighborhood’s communication, cooperation and relationships is the foundation to ensuring future neighborhood improvement that includes and serves all. There are many ways to encourage participation, volunteering, and bolster community connection within a neighborhood.

Through expanding communication platforms, hosting neighborhood gatherings, and growing the ability to conduct inclusive outreach, the 36th ST N area community can work to remain a connected and collaborative community that works together for the future.

Prioritized Actions

  1. Communicate and strengthen community involvement
    1. Neighborhood meeting signs
    2. Grow social media
    3. Meet with other neighborhood leaders
    4. Create contact systems like phone trees
    5. Conduct door-to-door outreach
    6. Build relationships with schools and local non-profits
  2. Work to change the public perception of North Tulsa in the local media
  3. Host neighborhood “getting to know each other” events for neighbors
  4. Complete CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) projects including lighting
  5. Address Stray dogs
  6. Conduct education and outreach campaign on reporting crime
  7. Re-establish Alert Neighbors through training and block captain designation

Measurable Outcomes

  • # Community outreach events # CPTED projects
  • # Crime and safety events/campaigns # Neighborhood building events
  • # Positive press releases


  • Tulsa Police Department
  • Tulsa Fire Department
  •  Private Grants
  • Community Volunteers
  • Program Community Partners (crime prevention)

Committee Lead: Tracie Chandler