The 36th ST N neighborhood was developed in the mid-century around the rise of the automobile. Today, the neighborhood’s housing stock maintains a mix of multi- family and single-family homes and contains a lot of developable green space. Compatible and affordable infill housing development could welcome more families and neighbors to the area, further growing the neighborhood and attracting additional commercial services.
It’s very important as the neighborhood grows, that neighbors are able to maintain homeownership, age in their home comfortably, and that new homeownership opportunities are preserved to pass and build equity and wealth within families. A range of housing supports, and resources will be utilized to ensure housing can remain accessible.
Prioritized Actions
- Address vacant, abandoned, and unsafe homes
- Utilize home rehabilitation and repair grants
- Utilize the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and work to pair with and develop other city-based development incentives that can promote home buying in North Tulsa
- Connect the Peoria-Mohawk TIF’s housing resources to the neighborhood, most notably for first-time homebuyers
- Utilize the Gold Star Landlord Program to promote safe and healthy homes
- Work with realtors and developers to collaborate on compatible housing infill and to promote North Tulsa positives
Measurable Outcomes
- # Housing rehabilitations
- # Emergency housing repair grants
- # Lead abatement home improvement grants
- $ AHTF dollars invested in neighborhood area # Gold Star Landlord participants
- # Households utilizing homeownership services
- $ Private residential investment
- Working in Neighborhoods (re)BUILD Tulsa
- Tulsa Authority for Economic Opportunity (TAEO) Local real estate & development community PSO efficiency programs
- Tulsa Health Department
Committee Lead: Justin Pickard