Improve public spaces and neighborhood infrastructure

Neighborhoods thrive when they have safe, comfortable, and accessible public spaces and infrastructure. Hawthorne Park represents a unique opportunity to expand recreation and park amenities in the 36th ST N neighborhood to encourage social gathering, and more active healthy lifestyles.

By improving Hawthorne Park, the surrounding trail system, and the neighborhood’s current pedestrian infrastructure, neighbors of all ages can walk to more destinations and have more natural spaces for meeting and gathering.

Prioritized Actions

  1. Design and install an accessible and covered gathering space at Hawthorne Park

  2. Connect with organizations and local schools to host all ages activities at Hawthorne Park

  3. Conduct neighborhood surveys for preferences on long term park improvements focused on youth

  4. Advocate for longer term higher cost investments of play and recreation facilities Hawthorne Park, examples:

    1. Basketball or soccer court

    2. Splash Pad

    3. Play equipment

  5. Conduct small, tactical improvements to Hawthorne Park:

    1. Outdoor bulletin board

    2. Learning/pollinator garden

  6. Develop recommendations for planned 2024 street rehab project to include safety improvements or a stop light at 39th and Hartford

  7. Improve Flat Rock Creek Trail through trimming, lighting, and screening

  8. Conduct neighborhood survey on where to provide safe crossing and walking improvements

  9. Repair unsafe sidewalks

  10. Trim hazardous trees and overgrowth


Measurable Outcomes

  • # Parks Improvements

  • # Events/Activities hosted at Hawthorne Park

  • $ Public/Private Resources invested into Hawthorne Park / Neighborhood Recreation

  • # Infrastructure improvement projects


  • Streets & Stormwater Engineering Services Working in Neighborhoods Private Grants

  • Parks and Recreation

  • Community Volunteers

Committee Lead: Emily Scott