The 36th ST N Corridor is in an historical era of transition. Recent new investments from a nearby industrial park and announced new developments along the corridor are ushering in an opportunity for enhanced local commercial development in line with neighbors needs and desires.

In order to ensure this period of economic growth is equitable and accessible, neighbors have developed many specific actions to promote local business growth, support new or established entrepreneurs, and pursue continued investment along the 36th ST N Corridor.

Prioritized Actions

  1. Create a business recruitment plan
    1. Include method to welcome new businesses
  2. Promote local businesses through a business guide or welcome center
  3. Renovate and improve aging and vacant commercial buildings
  4. Promote Neighborhood as a “destination”
  5. Obtain a grocery store or grocery service
  6. Communicate quality jobs opportunities from local employers
    1. Post jobs to Phoenix District site
    2. Host job fairs
  7. Add improvements and make the food truck park permanent (EAT 36 ST N)
  8. Advocate to bring restaurant and retail options to the 36th ST Corridor
  9. Promote the BRT Commercial Loan program for Peoria businesses

Measurable Outcomes

  • # Commercial enhancement projects
  • #  Reduced vacant commercial properties
  • Establishment of grocery entity or grocery service
  • $ Private Commercial Investment # Entities utilizing BRT program
  • Completion of a Business Recruitment Plan


  • Tulsa Authority for Economic Opportunity (TAEO) Destination Districts
  • Private Grants
  • Local small business community Program Community Partners (workforce
  • development, local business)

Committee lead: Cheryl Lawson